Successfully organized the publication workshop “Academic Publishing in International Journals and Publishers: Making Smarter Choices”

On August 10, 2023, the publication workshop “Academic Publishing in International Journals and Publishers: Making Smarter Choices” was successfully organized with the participation of 89 graduate students and lecturers at Vu Dinh Lien Hall.

At the workshops, the key presenter is Dr. Raqib Chowdhury from the School of Curriculum, Teaching and Inclusive Education, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia. He presented and shared his experiences on academic publishing in international journals and publishers, and then gave some valuable tips for audiences: how to identify or determine the prestige of the journal/publisher through their impact factor, rankings, or quality publications in reputation, high-ranking journals, and publishers. The presenter also explained the important bibliometrics that could be used to compare the prestige value of journals and publishers, how to choose a suitable topic for an article/book, and tips on how to increase the chances of acceptance by reviewers.  

The second half of this workshop was delivered as a hands-on workshop. The presenter engaged with as many participants as possible to provide quick and on-the-spot feedback/advice on their choice of topic, abstract, and article structure. Participants also shared their topic and abstract at the event with the presenter. The presenter gave advice and suggestions for each case and helped participants consolidate their focus to gain greater confidence in writing for reputed international journals.

Following are some pictures: